With a deep suspiro can I finally let go.



  1. Strong and prolonged inhalation followed by a deep exhalation and sometimes accompanied by a soft moan, which is usually motivated by a feeling of sorrow, pain, relief or desire.

An experimental solo exhibition featuring artworks by Panamanian-American artist Gladys Rodriguez. Exhibition runs from February 4th to February 26th, 2022 at 643 Project Space in Ventura, CA.

Suspiro attempts to engage the viewer in a visual discussion that confronts the audience with themes of alienation, assimilation, identity and grief presented in 2D and 3D artworks.


About the Artist

Gladys Rodriguez was born in Panama in 1987, and came to the United States at the age of fourteen. While attending Oxnard College she developed a serious interest in art and design and immediately started experimenting with different mediums, creating paintings and drawings as well as video and sculpture installations.

She later developed work that playfully explored using ready-made objects as a visual narrative to discuss issues of self-identity, conflict and acceptance. This transition was very important in her career as an artist especially when she transferred to California State University, Los Angeles in 2007.

She re-developed her work and uses a variety of recycled materials and unconventional objects to create her art work. 

Gladys resides in California.